Tigard Physical Therapy and Massage
I am a physical therapist and have been practicing for 23 years. I am unique in that I am trained in spinal manipulation, massage and physical therapy and perform these treatments in the same appointment. This saves you from seeing three different providers to get all these types of treatments. I also am a pelvic floor specialist and treat urinary and digestive issues as well as pelvic floor pain and tail bone problems. I am a board certified orthopedic specialist through the American PT Association.
The main specialty of this therapist is: Other therapies
The main specialty of this therapist is: Other therapies
Masters in Physical Therapy
- Board Certified Orthopedic Specialist
- Pelvic Floor Specialist for Women and Men
- Trained in spinal manpiulation/mobilization
In the office
MW 9-7, T/Th 12-6, F 8-5
Varies, can bill health insurance
Cash, check or credit

Additional information on the provider:
18019 SW Lower Boones Ferry Road
United States