Ronald Alexander PhD

Ronald Alexander, PhD is a licensed psychotherapist specializing in mind-body therapies, leadership consultant, international trainer, and the Executive Director of the OpenMind Training Institute, a leading edge organization that offers personal and professional training programs in integrative mind-body therapies, transformational leadership, and mindfulness. He is the author of the widely acclaimed book Wise Mind, Open Mind that provides practical and innovative applications to help us through today’s challenging times. Alexander is a pioneer in the fields of Positive Psychology, Creativity Thinking, Eastern Wisdom Traditions and Mindfulness Training. As an executive coach he has extensive training in conflict management, Gestalt therapy, leadership and organizational development and he helped establish the early values and vision based models for current day leadership and professional coaching. He works with patients in person, by phone or Skype.

The main specialty of this therapist is: Gestalt-therapy

PhD Degrees in Human Behavior and in Psychology - Gestalt Training at the Gestalt Training Institute in Los Angeles and La Jolla,CA with Erving Polster, PhD and Miriam Polster, PhD - Training in Clinical Hypnotherapy with: Daniel P. Brown & Associates, Cambridge, MA - Omega Institute, Steven Gilligan Ph. D., San Diego, CA - SCSEH Hypnosis for Dissociative and Trauma Disorders The American Society of Clinical Hypnosis The Milton Erickson Foundation California Institute of Clinical Hypnosis and Health Sciences - Training in Brief and Rapid Problem Solving Therapy and Hypnosis and Family Systems Therapy at the Cypress Institute, Carmel, CA - Training in Strategic Family Systems at the Marin Family Institute - Training in Music Therapy and Guided Affective Imagery at The Institute For Consciousness and Music and the Maryland Psychiatric Research Center - Training in Reichian & Somatic Therapies with Jack Rosenberg Ph.D. Venice CA. - Training in Bioenergetics Therapy, Hartford, Connecticut
In the office and at home
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, half day Friday
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1551 Ocean Ave., Suite 230
Santa Monica
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