Marilyn McWilliams

Post Traumatic Stress specialty. I've been active in clinical trials applying EFT to veteran PTSD symptoms and continue to provide (or arrange for) veteran sessions around the country at little or no cost to veterans. Active in the Veterans Stress Project and Veterans EFT Tapping Project. I also offer EFT to non-veterans on a paid basis and under some conditions offer guaranteed results. Results guaranteed sessions available in person OR by Skype or phone. Happy to discuss options.

The main specialty of this therapist is: EFT - EMDR

EFT (through EFT Universe) - EFT (through EFT founder, Gary Craig) - NLP / NAC - Previously certified in Hypnotherapy
In the office and at home
cash, credit cards, checks,

Additional information on the provider:

1905 NE 16th Ave. #4
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