EMDR with Dr. Carrie

EMDR is a highly effective and efficient method of therapy to help you overcome trauma and move past limiting negative beliefs. Therapy with Dr. Carrie is tailored to your unique story and needs, to get you closer to your goals and desires. Dr. Carrie believes all of us should be able to function at the top of our games, and enjoy a life filled with joy, healthy relationships, enjoyable work and a calm mind. New clients currently being accepted, reach out and see if Dr. Carrie and Colorado Therapy Care, PC is a good fit for you. Private pay only.

The main specialty of this therapist is: EFT - EMDR

Psychologist, Licensed in Colorado Doctorate in Counseling Psychology from the University of Northern Colorado Masters in Counseling Psychology from the University of Denver Level I and II EMDR trained
In the office
Mon- Thurs 9am -6pm
Cash, Check, Credit/Debit, Flex/HSA cards

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